Monday, October 27, 2014

Summer Fun

Sign, Sealed, and...delivered happend a while ago

 On July 15th, 2014 we had Ray sealed to us in the Logan Utah Temple! So now he is ours for time and eternity! It was an amazing experience, not to mention how cute they all were in the temple. Our friends and family were there to support and enjoy the day with us. The girls were thrilled to be in the temple.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Go Rockies!

Just so you all know, I'm not exactly a Rockies fan ... I grew up in Seattle, WA, and have love the Mariners since the 80s. That being said, when my family scores free tickets to a luxury suite at Coors Field, I'm not going to turn it down.

That being said ... enjoy.

 Here's the entrance to our suite. It's the one on the left side.

Check Ray out, trying to get closer to the action.

This is the coat closet inside the suite. Ray had more fun in here then watching the game ...

This is as close to the live action shot as I could get with my camera ... I'll buy a happy meal for the first person who can find the baseball ... good luck!

This picture was taken a few seconds after the lights turned on over right-center field.

Ray is enjoying a yummy hotdog inside the suite. He at the hotdog, and then the bun.

At the time this picture was taken, Ray was about 3 and a half hours overdue for his bedtime ... 

The Texas Rangers came to town. They got blown out by the Rockies ... 12-1.

Here's a picture of the Rockies' dugout.

Here's a picture of the inside of the suite, complete with a kitchen, minibar, and fridge.

What's a sporting event without getting a picture with the mascot???

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rays Adoption and Collection of Pictures

It was official this last Tuesday, May 27. Ray has been adopted by us. That means more pictures for you guys. I have a link to our other blog, which focuses on our whole family. Here is the link, and enjoy pictures of Raymond from the time we got him up to the adoption day. There's 241 pictures in all.

Here is the link.

Friday, February 28, 2014


Ray has gotten so big. It has been amazing to see how much he has grown. He understands 80% of what we say. Meaning for example if we say go throw something in the trash, his favorite is diapers, then he goes and does it. Things he doesn't get, "Rays please stop whining for food I'm making it". Not sure that one ever does sink in. When it comes to food aren't we all more on his level? "I want it now though!" He is very good about his please and thank yous'. I sounds more like peas, and dank u. He says sorry when he hurt someone for taking his toy. :)  He has gotten better with pronunciations to since we have him mimic us when we read scriptures. Super cute to hear him "read" and say prayer. Those are probably Heavenly Fathers favorite too!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Ray has been in heaven with all the toys he got for Christmas! All of the cars have been what he plays with everyday, literally. He is learning to make the sounds, and finds it fascinating and funny when we do it. He rides the big semi that holds his cars and cries when it falls over. Not because he is hurt but because he cant figure how to get it back up!
More and more we see his little personality growing and it is amazing. He is so full of life and into everything. He is exactly like Curious George! His vocabulary expands each day. With words like mine. Something about that 18 month age that word an no become the most used.
He loves huging and kissing everyone in the family, expecially when they get hurt. He is very sensitive to others feelings. If he thinks he hurt you, he will tip his head down with his eyes looking up like a puppy come to you and rub your back and say "owrry" then "owww".
On the rougher side he is full speed. Still head first and as fast as possible. Some days...most days ;) he is hard to keep up with. He smirks when he knows he is being funny and laughs before every funny scene in a movie happens. Which by the way the only way to get him to watch a movie is in the car, because he can't reach any buttons!
What fun these days are, and to the future well I can't wait.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ray's New Words

Ray has been on a very talkative streak! If you ask him what a kitty cat or a dog say he will make their sounds. He will repeat any word that we say. He has even been using his manners. He use to just do the sign for thank you in ASL but now he says "dant do". He says sorry and then gives a hug and says awwww. Lately that has been b/c he has been pulling hair to see what happens. He says "utO" when he drops things. He gets very excited when the phone rings. He starts talking at high speed and pointing and running to the phone. One of his favorite words so go! After which he promptly puts his head down and runs full force. Rugby, wrestling, football could all be possible options if this behavior keeps up, LOL.
He has adjusted well to the new house. He likes all the new space to run, in and outside. It took him a few days to get use to his room in the middle of the night but now he does fine. It's been nice for him too now that the toys are all on the main floor. Before it was just his toys so sometimes the girls would be downstairs with out him and he doesn't like to be left out. 
He defiantly acts like the youngest when he doesn't get his way. His fits are very dramatic. He throws himself on the floor crying and rolling around all while making sure you are watching! If we move away from him during a fit he will pause the crying and relocate to be in better view for you then resume. He is not quite sure what to do when we laugh at how silly he is being.
He is going to be a big boy we think. As he is quite the chunk to pick up. One solid mass. He is into 18 month clothes and fitting some 2T things already. He is not rolly just thick. Though his cheeks are still the very cute chubby baby cheeks.
All and all he is a regular little boy growing like a weed!